Starting A New Practice
We have established many new offices from the ground up. TABS will help guide you through the process of credentialing, choosing an EHR System, services you will be offering, and how to open your doors.
Key Office Information
Once you join our team, you’ll receive documents that will need to be returned which will include key factors of your practice. These documents ensure we bill correctly and set up our systems in place to manage your practice.
Account Setup
We set up systems training to go over software, reporting, integrations, and day to day functions of your office.
Transition Training
Let’s do some training; you will meet and learn about the key people who are involved in your account.
First Billing
We send first claims! In the first month of billing we make sure you have regular revenue and cash flow. You will now start receiving revenue from both insurance and patients.
Supporting Your New Business
Patient Statement Setup: We start sending out patient statements via digital and paper methods. Your patients will have a simple way to pay online, in person, or over the phone.
Accounts Receivable Planning
A/R Follow-up; TABS will establish a timeline from your old A/R to the current A/R we bill for.
Practice Success
Practice Success is now in full throttle! Payments are coming in, ERA’S and EFT’S are in place and we have a smooth operation of managing your practice revenue. Your office knows our team and we handle any questions or issues that arise.